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- ====================================================
- Note: The following article is to appear in this
- month's issue of the CUFORN Bulletin.
- ====================================================
- In last month's _Bulletin_, Larry Fenwick
- brought out some tantalizing details involving the
- possible involvement of Dr. Eric Walker with the
- study and analysis of a crashed UFO, with probable
- alien occupants, during the early 1950's. Since
- that article was published, more information has
- come to light, particulary with the long awaited
- publication of researcher's Grant Cameron and T.
- Scott Crain Jr.'s "Preliminary Report Of The
- Government's Involvement Into UFO Crash Retrievals"
- entitled, "UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT". This
- research paper is now in limited circulation amongst
- a handful of interested parties. I'm grateful that
- the UFONET BBS Network was also sent a copy. I
- have read it, and what follows is in part, both an
- assessment, and a recap of some of the highlights.
- Soon the paper will be ready for public distribution,
- so it won't be long before you can read and assess
- it for yourself.
- Dr. Eric Walker has an impressive background,
- and one which would make even Stanton Friedman envious
- of. He's listed in certain "Who's Who" type compendiums,
- so a quick visit to the Library might be in order for
- those of you wishing to see a chronological listing of
- this man's accomplishments. Credit for "discovering"
- him goes to Bill Steinman, co-author of "UFO Crash At
- Aztec". It was in a phone conversation with the late
- Dr. Robert Sarbacher (of Wilbur Smith memo fame), that
- Steinman got the break he needed in order to crack the
- identity of another one of those scientists who attended
- the Research & Development Board meeetings in the early '50s,
- within the time frame of the much hypothesized UFO
- crash/retrievals which were said to have occurred back then.
- Sarbacher, not remembering the name, alluded to
- a prominent individual from Pennsylvannia who, unlike
- himself, attended all of the Research and Development
- Board meetings held at Wright Field. Shortly thereafter,
- in response to an inquiry by Steinman, he received a
- letter from Fred Darwin, Executive Director of the Guided
- Missile Committee for the Dept. of Defense's Research &
- Development Board from 1949 to 1954. In the letter, six
- names were listed as possible candidates for a "hypothesized"
- Flying Saucer recovery operation. The list was composed in
- early 1984, before the release of the controversial MJ-12
- documents. Five of the names matched names on the yet to
- be released MJ-12 listing. One name didn't, that of Eric
- Arthur Walker...the person who most definitely fit the
- description given by Sarbacher. Later research revealed
- that Walker was at one time the Executive Secretary for
- the Research and Development Board during the time in question.
- Along with other influential positions held by
- Walker, one of the most prominent, and secretive, concerns
- his relationship with the "Institute for Defense Analysis",
- of which Paul Dickson, author of "Think Tanks" had this to
- say, "In the hierarchy of military tanks, none ranks higher
- than the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA)." Walker
- joined in 1958, and never looked back. He was elected
- chairman to the IDA in 1981, and became Chairman Emeritus
- in 1986, upon his official retirement. So, what is most
- problematic when it comes to trying to get Walker to talk,
- is that not only is this man privy to UFO secrets, but
- countless military secrets as well, which in this instance
- are no doubt viewed as one and the same.
- However, Walker is most vunerable when it comes to
- his involvement in the early '50s, before the "security lid"
- started to clamp down on this subject. From the Cameron/Crain
- research paper, we learn little of what Walker's possible UFO
- related activities were in the period after this, although
- there is speculation. From their research, it is clear
- that if Walker were to be involved in the aftermath of a UFO
- crash, and possible U.S. government study thereof, he was in
- the right places at the right times. Along with this, there
- is the body of material, consisting of phone conversations and
- letter exchanges, between Walker and certain UFO researchers,
- the primary one being of course Steinman.
- Most damning, are Walker's admissions to Steinman (in a
- phone conversation written down 10 minutes after the call) that
- he knew of MJ-12. Says Walker, "Yes, I know of MJ-12. I have
- known of them for 40 years. I believe that you're chasing after
- and fighting with windmills!!". Along with this, its become
- apparent that Walker is engaged in playing a most peculiar
- "game" of some sort. One letter of Steinman's was returned
- by Walker with this statement type-written at the end of his
- was returned with numerals inscribed on top of various letters
- throughout. This is the so-called "code letter". Another
- piece of documentary evidence, is the type-written letter by
- Walker to Steinman, signed by Walker, describing how 4 alien bodies
- were recovered, alive, from a downed UFO. However, this is so
- sensationally written that
- researchers Cameron and Crain have labelled this as a poor
- attempt at disinformation...or perhaps a continuation of Walker's
- "game" with the researchers.
- However, in the past year or so, Walker seems to have
- have taken a new tact. Over the phone, he now denies _ever
- even knowing who Steinman is_. This occured in a Dec/88 call
- to Walker by Steinman. Walker had evidently clammed up, and
- was now even trying to deny ever having dealt with Steinman,
- let alone the allegations relating to his UFO involvement. Something
- indeed strange is going on. Most recently, I learned that a
- photo-copy of the original "code letter" was mailed to researcher
- Scott Crain in a SASE Crain provided in a much earlier letter
- sent to Walker. Evidently, the "game" has resumed.
- Crain received this in late August, after I had spoken
- with Walker himself in a phone conversation on August 11th.
- Although cordial throughout, Walker lived up to his billing as
- both evasive in answering questions, and one who it seems,
- experiences convenient memory loss. Witness the following
- exchange, which took place mid-way through our phone conversation:
- <WALKER> "(garbled)...well I did attend a lot of meetings,
- but I can't remember any substantive conclusions
- or anything like that."
- <MICKUS> "Right, and as far as what was discussed there?"
- <WALKER> "As far as the what?"
- <MICKUS> "What was discussed, the topic, the subject matter
- of those meetings?"
- <WALKER> "No, I couldn't remember that at all."
- <MICKUS> "But, you're saying that it had nothing to with
- UFOs or alien bodies, or anything like this?"
- <WALKER> "Well I don't have any alien bodies in my office,
- I can tell you that."
- In his own limited conversations with Walker back in 1984,
- Stanton Friedman referred to Walker as "cagey and careful", and
- stated that "My reaction to how he answered the various questions
- was that he knew a great deal". Five years later, I concur.
- Currently underway, researchers Cameron and Crain are
- trying to enlist the aid of several media outlets, including some
- within Pennsylvannia itself. Sadly, and not surprisingly, in the
- hands of the media, their report is going nowhere fast. At this
- point, most promising in this regard, is the involvement of a slick
- on-campus magazine, who currently are sitting on this story, and
- if all goes according to plan, will confront Walker in the next
- couple of weeks. Both UFONET, and CUFORN will be following all
- the developments as they occur, and will be updating this in the
- next issue of the _CUFORN Bulletin_.
- So far, I've only touched on a few of the facts, made
- clear in the Cameron/Crain report. However, I would be amiss
- if I didn't mention that their report covers more than just
- the story of Eric Walker, which takes up about 80 pp. There
- are also interesting pieces of information, also related to
- Walker, describing the U.S. military/intelligence complex.
- And along with information on DARPA, the Jason Group, and
- other such institutions, there are tidbits of information,
- much of it documented, regarding a whole bevy of UFOlogy figures.
- Included, are Wilbur Smith, Bill Moore, Richard Doty, Linda Howe,
- Stanton Friedman, Todd Zechel, Lee Graham, Bill Cooper, and
- several others. If any criticism can be made of the report,
- and their are a few, its that it was too wide in its
- scope, and as a consequence, particular sections didn't get
- dealt with adequately. Thus, the enormity of the task, coupled
- with the constant influx of new information, were in large
- measure responsible for the delay in having this paper published.
- As I alluded to earlier, this paper will be made publicly
- available soon. If you're at all interested in the subject,
- you'll want to read it for yourself. Its one more contribution
- to the amassing body of evidence, that the U.S. government is
- indeed covering up its knowledge and activities with regard to
- the subject of UFOs.
- Tom Mickus, 24, is currently attending the University of Toronto.
- In addition to this, he also is Moderator of a UFO oriented
- computer Bulletin Board Service (BBS) Network, entitled UFONET.
- Unlike Paranet, which I am no longer affiliated with, we are a
- 100% UFO subject related network. We have affiliates in both
- Canada and the U.S. For more information, you can phone Tom
- at 416/239-1094, or connect directly with UFONET via your computer
- and modem by calling 416/237-1204. You may also write him at:
- Tom A. Mickus
- UFONET BBS Network
- Box 388, Station W
- Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
- M6M 5C1